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About Abuse

Abuse Using Technology

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Updated: November 19, 2020

What are some ways an abuser could use sexting?

The act of sexting can be consensual and is not itself a sign of abuse. However, an abuser could use photographs, videos, or messages shared through sexting to maintain power and control over you. For example, the abuser may later threaten to share these images or may actually share them with others. Our Abuse Involving Nude/Sexual Images page has more information about the laws related to the nonconsensual sharing of intimate images.

Additionally, an abuser may blackmail you once s/he gains access to images and messages shared through sexting. An abuser may also pressure or threaten you to continue to send photographs, videos, or messages even if you do not wish to do so.

An abuser could also harass you by sexting after you asked him/her to stop. For example, an abuser might continue to send unwanted sexual photos or videos, often called “cyber flashing.” If an abuser is harassing you, you may have legal options. You may be able to report crimes to the police, file for a restraining order, or sue the abuser.