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Legal Information: Nevada

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of January 9, 2024

Step 2: Fill out the petition.

Carefully fill out the petition. On the petition you will be the “applicant” and the abuser will be the “adverse party.” The court clerk or another person designated by the court can help you fill out the petition and any paperwork that needs to go with it for a temporary or extended order. The court clerk can also help fill out the paperwork for the response to a petition for a protection order if someone has filed against you. However, the court clerk or other designated party cannot provide legal advice.1

Write about the most recent incidents of violence, using descriptive language, such as slapping, hitting, grabbing, threatening, choking, etc., that fits your situation. Include details and dates, if possible. Be specific.

There are also instructions available on the Nevada Supreme Court website for filling out the petition and the court clerk may also have printed instructions. Click on “Domestic Violence - Application Instructions (Voluntary Forms)”.

Most domestic violence prevention organizations can provide support for you while you go through this process. To find help in your area, go to the NV Advocates and Shelters page under the Places that Help tab on the top of this page.

1 N.R.S. § 33.050(3)