WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.

Legal Information

Frequently Asked Questions Involving Courts and COVID-19

Updated: July 13, 2021

What should I do about my case if I test positive for COVID-19?

If you test positive for Covid within 10 days of your hearing, or if you haven’t recovered from a recent exposure, you may want to contact the court clerk where your case is pending to let them know about your situation and to ask for an adjournment. Make sure to:

  1. Write down the date and time of the call and the name of the clerk you spoke to;
  2. Ask the clerk for an email address where you can send proof of the positive Covid test results or follow any other procedure required by the court; and
  3. Get something in writing from the court showing that your case is adjourned and the new date of the hearing.

If you are not well enough to contact the court on your own, you may be able to have someone else reach out to them for you.

The court should postpone your case so that you can take the time you need to recover and lower the risk that you might spread the virus to others. You should also notify the attorney for the opposing party.