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Información Legal: Idaho

Leyes Estatales de Armas de Fuego

Laws current as of
7 de noviembre de 2023

Tengo una orden de protección ex parte temporal en contra del agresor. ¿Tendré que esperar hasta que reciba la orden de protección final antes de que se le quite el arma de fuego al agresor?

Maybe. If the judge gave you an ex parte temporary order (which means that no advance notice was given to the abuser), which is commonly done, it could still be LEGAL for him/her to have a gun under federal law.  However, if the judge scheduled a court hearing and gave notice of the hearing to the abuser before giving you the temporary order, it is possible that it is ILLEGAL for him/her to have a gun under federal law.  The order of protection must also meet certain other requirements, though. Read I have a protection order against the abuser. Can s/he keep a gun or buy a new gun? to find out more.