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Información Legal: Luisiana


Laws current as of
21 de noviembre de 2023

Si mi hijo fue concebido como resultado de una violación, ¿puede el agresor obtener algún derecho sobre mi hijo?

If your child was conceived through a “sex offense” as defined in section 15:541(subsection 24) of the law, the offender who committed the offense cannot get any visitation rights or contact with your child.1

If there was an actual criminal conviction against the offender of a “sex offense” that resulted in the conception of your child, then this conviction could be grounds to legally terminate the offender’s parental rights.2 Whereas usually the state files to terminate someone’s parental rights, in this case, you have the right to file the termination of parental rights petition in court yourself. If the offender’s rights are terminated, it will result in the loss of custody, visitation, contact, and other parental rights of the offender regarding the child. However, the child would still keep any inheritance rights that could come from the offender.3

1 LSA-C.C. Art. 137(A)
2 LSA-C.C. Art. 1015.1
3 LSA-C.C. Art. 1004.1