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Información Legal: Vermont

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of
12 de diciembre de 2023

What types of extreme risk protection orders are there? How long do they last?

There are two types of extreme risk protection orders: ex parte extreme risk protection orders and final extreme risk protection orders.

Ex parte extreme risk protection orders: An ex parte extreme risk protection order is issued without the respondent having notice of the case before the hearing.1 Ex parte extreme risk protection orders are issued on a temporary, emergency basis and last for up to 14 days.2

Final extreme risk protection orders: A judge can issue a final extreme risk protection order after the respondent is served with notice of the case and has a chance to participate in a hearing. If the judge finds that the respondent is a risk to himself/herself or others, the judge can issue a final extreme risk protection order for up to six months.3

1 VT ST 13 § 4054(b)(1)
2 VT ST 13 § 4054(b)(1), (c)(1)
3 VT ST 13 § 4053(e)(2)