WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.

Legal Information: Pennsylvania

State Gun Laws

Laws current as of
December 15, 2023

I do not have a PFA against the abuser, and s/he has not been convicted of a crime. How can I stay safe?

You can still make a plan for your safety.  See our Staying Safe page for more information.  You can also contact your local domestic violence organization for additional help.  You may want to talk to them about whether leaving the area - either long term or for a little while - might help improve your safety.  See our PA Advocates and Shelters page to find a local domestic violence organization near you.

For additional information on gun laws in Pennsylvania, you can go to the Giffords Law Center website.

The abuser uses a gun for his/her job. Can the judge still take away his/her guns in my PFA order?

Under Pennsylvania state law, if the abuser is a licensed firearms dealer, the judge may order him/her to give up any federal or state license for the sale, manufacture or importation of firearms as well as all firearms in the business inventory. However, the judge has to make a reasonable effort to help the abuser keep his/her business as a means of financial security while still doing what is needed to protect you.1

However, there are federal gun laws that make it illegal for anyone convicted of a felony or a domestic violence misdemeanor to buy or have a gun, even if s/he is a police officer or a military employee. To read more, go to our Federal Gun Laws page.

If you are confused or not sure whether the abuser can still use his/her gun for work purposes, you can talk to a domestic violence advocate in your area or call the National Center on Protection Order and Full Faith & Credit to find out more information: 1-800-903-0111, ext. 2.

To find a domestic violence advocate in your area, please go to our PA Advocates and Shelters page.

1 23 Pa.C.S.A. § 6108(a)(7.1)

I've read through all of this information, and I am still confused. What can I do?

Trying to understand both federal and state law can be confusing, but there are people out there who can help you better understand the law and your rights under the law.

  • You can contact a local domestic violence organization in your area. See our PA Advocates and Shelters page for a list of resources.
  • You can also contact the National Center on Protection Order and Full Faith & Credit to get more information about federal firearm laws and how they apply to you: 1-800-903-0111, ext. 2.