WomensLaw sirve y apoya a todas las personas sobrevivientes sin importar su sexo o género.

Información Legal: Luisiana

Órdenes de Restricción

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Laws current as of
21 de noviembre de 2023

No me fue concedida una orden de protección. ¿Cuáles son mis opciones?

If you applied for a protective order and the judge didn’t grant it, there are still some things you can do to stay safe. It might be a good idea to contact one of the domestic violence local programs in your area to get help, support, and advice on how to stay safe. They can help you develop a safety plan and help connect you with the resources you need. For safety planning help, ideas, and information, go to our Safety Planning page. 

If you were not granted a protective order because your relationship with the abuser does not qualify as a “family or household member” or “dating partner,” you may be able to seek protection through a sexual assault protective order or a protective order for stalking.

You may also be able to reapply for a protective order if a new incident of domestic abuse occurs after you are denied the order.

If you believe the judge made an error of law, you can talk to a lawyer about the possibility of an appeal. Generally, appeals are complicated and you will most likely need the help of a lawyer. See our Filing an Appeal page for basic information on appeals.