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Información Legal: Idaho

Leyes Estatales de Armas de Fuego

Laws current as of
7 de noviembre de 2023

No tengo una orden de protección contra el agresor y no ha sido declarado culpable por un delito. ¿Puede tener un arma?

Even if you do not have a protection order against the abuser and s/he has not been convicted of a crime (misdemeanor or felony), Idaho state law also makes it illegal for anyone in one of the following situations to have a concealed weapons license:

  • Anyone who is formally charged with felony (even if not yet convicted) or anyone who is free on bond or personal recognizance pending trial, appeal or sentencing for a crime which would disqualify him/her from obtaining a concealed weapon license;
  • Anyone who is a fugitive from justice;
  • Anyone who is an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant or narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance (drug);
  • Anyone who is currently suffering from or has been adjudicated (by a court) as:
    • Lacking the mental capacity to stand trial because s/he lacks the capacity to understand the proceedings against him/her or to assist in his/her own defense;
    • Mentally ill (and requiring care and treatment at a facility or through outpatient treatment);
    • Gravely disabled (as the result of mental illness);
    • An incapacitated person (lacking sufficient understanding or capacity to make or communicate responsible decisions regarding his/her own care, property or financial affairs);
  • Anyone who has been discharged from the armed forces under dishonorable conditions;
  • Anyone who has had entry of a withheld judgment for a criminal offense which would disqualify him/her from obtaining a concealed weapon license;
  • Anyone who is an undocumented immigrant, here illegally in the United States or a U.S. citizen who has renounced his or her citizenship; or
  • Anyone who is under twenty-one (21) years of age.1

If any of the above apply to your situation, please talk to an advocate at a local domestic violence program in your area about how this law is being enforced. Visite nuestra página Intercesoras y Albergues para encontrar una organización local de violencia doméstica cerca de usted.

Si ninguna de estas situaciones son aplicables, usted todavía puede hacer un plan de seguridad.  Vea nuestra página de Planificación de Seguridad para más información.  También puede contactar a su organización local de violencia doméstica para ayuda adicional. Puede que quiera hablar con ellos/as para decidir si salir del área - por mucho o poco tiempo - puede ayudarle a mejorar su seguridad.

Para más información sobre las leyes de armas de fuego en Idaho, puede ir al sitio web del Centro Legal para Prevenir la Violencia con Armas de Fuego.

También, las leyes federales, que se aplican en todos los estados, prohíben que el/la agresor/a tenga un arma bajo otras circunstancias. Para obtener más información, ingrese a Leyes Federales sobre Armas de Fuego.

1 ID Code § 18-3302(11)